Sunday 20 September 2015

Tips to write a good essay in exams

Essay writing can be tedious for many, especially for those who repel the thought of long form writing. But if you want to earn marks and score well in the subject, then you cannot run away from essay writing.

source: myeconoair

Here are five quick tips to help you write a good essay in your exams—

1.       Write what has been asked
Don’t divert from the topic and make sure that in the flow of writing, you don’t lose the focus from the topic. You can of course draw references and examples from other elements, but ensure that your prime focus throughout remains on what has been asked to you, especially in case of argumentative essays.

2.       Frame a good intro
You won’t really go and watch a movie if you don’t like its trailer. A trailer is somewhat an intro of a movie that captivates the audience and convinces them to watch the movie in the theatre. Similarly, the intro of an essay that is the first two paragraphs is crucial as they determine whether you have intrigued your reader enough to make him read further.

3.       Break the essay into parts
This doesn’t mean that you have to use bullet points, but break it into three parts, wherein the first part talks about the topic in general, the second talks about your views on it with logic and reasoning and the third gives a conclusion in not more than a paragraph about what is your final call on the agenda. This makes it easier for the reader to understand and even for you to analyse and pen down the information accordingly.

4.       Follow an essay plan
Before starting to draft the essay, process a plan in your mind about how you would go with the topic, what all you know about the topic and what all needs to be there on the paper. Not everything you know about the topic is going to be useful and hence, you need a plan to demarcate the necessary and the unnecessary in your mind before you start to write.

5.       Don’t exaggerate and write as much is needed

Don’t go on writing just to make it look like a real long form writing. Your examiner will get disappointed if you repeat points and don’t give something new to keep the flow of the write up. So unless you have something new to offer, don’t stretch and exaggerate the essay. Overdoing it will only hamper your grades.

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