Wednesday 26 June 2013

Helping children to deal with failure - Lawrence High School

As parents, it is natural to want to shield children from dealing with disappointments and failure in life. We want the best for them and cannot see them lag behind their peers in any respect and feel helpless to see them unable to handle any kind of raw deal that life may throw at them.

However, it is in their best interests and ours to let them handle frustrations early on, so that they turn out to be well-reasoned out adults later.

Encourage instead of lending a helping hand: Kids are met with tiny frustrations even as young as infancy and toddlerhood. While kids at this age are very resilient and are not prone to giving into despair, there can be times when the child might feel like giving up. It is the duty of the parents to encourage their efforts and let them be at the task, rather than finishing it off for them.

Compete with self: However brilliant a child is, there is always going to be someone who is better. Hence, the aim has always to be bettering oneself than competing with the neighbour. If the focus is on acquiring skill and knowledge and not about beating the next person in an exam, there will be no anxiety or frustration of failure.

Realistic expectation: Parents need to keep realistic expectations from the child. It is not right to saddle them with their own unfulfilled ambitions. Tuning in to the child’s capacity, interest and capability will help the child to achieve his/her full potential.

Larger picture: Score in an exam is very temporary and does not mean much in real life scenarios. This is a truth that needs to be accepted and imbibed by both-parents and children. The larger picture in life is many a time missed out by pursuing shallow goals like winning a competition or topping an exam.

Open channels of communication: Children should feel free and comfortable in approaching the parents in any kind of situations. The lines of communication must be free from judgment on the parent’s side. The child must not feel threatened and should be encouraged to communicate his/her opinion.

Life is never fair and the goal of life should be taking pleasure and lessons from the journey and not keeping a destination in mind. If parents can teach this philosophy early on, kids will be better equipped to deal with failure.

Lawrence High School, located at HSR layout, Bangalore, focuses on educating children with traditional values to adapt and excel in the world. To know more about Lawrence school, please visit the website and join us at our Facebook page 

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Do you know your child's learning style? - Lawrence High School

Every child has a different way of learning. Hence a typical and one-method-for-all rigid environment will not work for all kids. How to recognize your child’s method of learning, then?

It’s simple. If your child loves to look at visuals and can remember the words by the way they look, then he is a visual learner. If the kid remembers concepts that are introduced by way of a song or rhyme, he is an auditory learner. And, if he is the kind who loves to move about and explore things by touching and experimenting, his style is kinesthetic.

While introducing a word, if the letters in the words are spelt out aloud, an auditory learner will grasp it faster. He is someone who learns words phonetically. Audio videos, music, etc work as best teaching aids.

However, a visual learner needs to see the word on the paper or board to be able to picture it. Hence, the word also needs to be written on the blackboard for such learners; flash cards, pictures, and text books work well for these kinds.

For children who learn through their hands, words need to be introduced by way of alphabet blocks, so that they can manipulate the letters to form a word. Crossword puzzles are best suited for older kids with kinesthetic learning styles.

For children who learn through their hands, words need to be introduced by way of alphabet blocks, so that they can manipulate the letters to form a word. Crossword puzzles are best suited for older kids with kinesthetic learning styles.

 A classroom that uses a mix of various styles to suit the varied group will achieve a higher learning curve than a place which concentrates only on one style of imparting knowledge.

Lawrence High School, located at HSR layout, Bangalore, focuses on educating children with traditional values to adapt and excel in the world. To know more about Lawrence school, please visit the website and join us at our Facebook page 

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Dealing with monsoon infections - Lawrence High School

The monsoon has almost set in Bangalore. While the rains bring the much needed relief from the warm weather, it also heralds the onset of the cycle of cold, cough and flu amongst school-going children.

Here are a few tips to through the rainy days:

Drink safe water: As far as possible, drink only boiled or purified water; always carry a water bottle for yourself and kids when going outdoors. Avoid drinking regular water at restaurants you are not sure of with regards to hygiene.

Avoid eating at road-side stalls: Chaats and fried stuff seem most yummy when it is pouring outside, but the road-side stalls that serve these delicacies are the breeding house for many infection-spreading flies and mosquitoes. While, it is Ok to indulge once a while, it is wise to use discretion. At best, the snacks can be savoured at home or ordered from reputed joints.

Avoid collection of water near home: Stagnated water leads to breeding of flies and mosquitoes, so there should not be any logging of water near the home. Water-bodies that function as beauty elements must be cleaned regularly, so that the water does not turn murky or collects moss. A practice of washing the feet and hands after coming from the outdoors must be inculcated in children and followed by adults too.

Exercise regularly and eat healthy: Viruses are kept at bay when one has a regular regime of exercising. Children need to play outdoors. Young children need supervision to see that they play safely and within the boundaries of clean and hygienic activities. One must also ensure that the family eats healthy-soups, greens and fruits should form a part of daily diet.

Prevention is better than cure: however, if you or the child falls sick, take plenty of care and rest to ensure that the body is able to fight the viruses. Salt-water gargling helps in clearing the throat, steam-inhalation does wonders for blocked nose. A concoction of honey, pepper and ginger juice is a great remedy for sore throat and cold.
Hope these tips are useful and this monsoon brings more cheer than worry.

Lawrence High School, located at HSR layout, Bangalore, focuses on educating children with traditional values to adapt and excel in the world. To know more about Lawrence school, please visit the website and join us at our Facebook page  

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Doing our bit for the environment - Lawrence High School

June 5th is observed as the World Environment day and we, as responsible citizens of the nation, should take steps to ensure that our environment is preserved, saved and conserved for the future generation.

The theme for this year was Think. Eat. Save.

Many of us do not really think before buying food and consuming. It is amazing how much we can contribute to the environment by just making a few changes in our lifestyle.

Buying just enough food to suffice instead of buying all that looks attractive on the shelves is a sure way to ensure that a lot of food wastage is arrested. Leftovers need not always go into the bins as they are plenty of ways to re-use good edible stuff. If there is a lot of food remaining after a party or wedding, a call to the nearest home or orphanage can feed a lot of hungry mouths and the environment will benefit too.

Waste segregation drive has been one of the high points in the past few months and one of the primary rules is to carry our own carry bags when shopping to reduce the use of plastics. Composting at home is another healthy way in the path of conserving and utilizing resources.

Take a few minutes out of your schedule to check out how the WED is celebrated and implemented on the UNEP page here:

The ABCs of how we can contribute is explained beautifully here:

Lawrence High School, located at HSR layout, Bangalore, focuses on educating children with traditional values to adapt and excel in the world. To know more about Lawrence school, please visit the website and join us at our Facebook page